About Kusinara

Unveiling the Journey of Kusinara International School's and it's Remarkable History

Inception Amidst Adversity

Established in 1996, Kusinara International School has a history deeply rooted in resilience and commitment to education. The school's journey commenced in the heart of Moratuwa during the tumultuous era of the civil war in Sri Lanka. In a time marked by challenges, Kusinara International School emerged as a beacon of hope, laying the foundation for a remarkable educational institution.

Humble Beginnings at 24/3 Charles Place, Rawathawatte

With a humble start, the school began its educational odyssey with just four students. The first premises were situated at the residence of Madam Mala Halpe, located at 24/3 Charles Place, Rawathawatte, Moratuwa. Despite the turbulent external circumstances, the school's commitment to providing quality education remained unwavering.

A Journey of Relocation

Over the years, Kusinara International School underwent a series of relocations, adapting to the changing landscape while steadfastly pursuing its educational mission. These transitions symbolized the school's resilience and dedication to offering a nurturing learning environment. Each move reflected a chapter in the institution's evolution, marked by a commitment to its students and their educational journey.

Finding a Permanent Home

In 2004, Kusinara International School achieved a significant milestone by acquiring its very own premises at 81, Uyana Road, Moratuwa. This marked a turning point in the school's history, providing a stable and dedicated space for fostering academic excellence. The move to Uyana Road represented not only a physical relocation but also a symbolic anchoring of the school's roots in a place it could truly call its own.

A Legacy of Excellence

Today, Kusinara International School stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of education in the face of adversity. From its humble beginnings during the civil war to establishing a permanent home in 2004, the school's journey has been one of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to providing quality education.

As Kusinara International School continues to shape the minds of future generations, its history serves as an inspiration—a reminder that even in challenging times, the pursuit of knowledge and the dedication to nurturing young minds can lead to a legacy of excellence.


Message from Directress

Dear Kusinara Community,

It is with immense pride and gratitude that I reflect on the remarkable journey of Kusinara International School, which is celebrating 28 years of dedicated service to education. As pioneers in Moratuwa, our history is deeply rooted in resilience and determination.

The inception of our school can be traced back to 1996, during the civil war, when it started with just four students. My two daughters, along with two other children, were homeschooled due to the security challenges posed by terrorist attacks on schools in Colombo. Over time, our small initiative blossomed into a unique institution with a rich cultural background and a commitment to providing quality English education.

Today, Kusinara stands as a beacon of educational excellence, offering a distinctive blend of the national curriculum and the Edexcel curriculum. We take pride in being inclusive, catering to differently-abled children, including those with ADHD, autism, and slow learners. Our commitment to diversity and accessibility is unwavering.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the future of Kusinara. Plans are underway for a building extension to enhance our facilities, providing better classroom spaces and advanced lab facilities. We also aim to introduce STEAM education, fostering a holistic approach that integrates science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to developing our sports facilities, recognizing the integral role of physical well-being in a comprehensive education. Our vision is to create an environment where students not only excel academically but also thrive in their physical and creative pursuits.

As we celebrate our 28th anniversary, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the entire Kusinara community—parents, students, staff, and supporters—for being an integral part of this extraordinary journey. Together, let us continue to inspire and shape the future of education.

With warm regards,

Mala Halpe

Message from Principal

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Each year the school offers a full scholarship or a percentage scholarship to a student, from Primary One until he/she reaches O/level. The scholarship funding will be given to students on the sole discretion of the academic council of the school. Student’s academic performance and the financial footing are taken into consideration for the approval of a scholarship.

Apart from the academic excellence of a student, the school looks to offer scholarships to those who show loyalty and embrace their school as their alma mater.

Reach Us

Kusinara International School
61, Uyana Road,
Sri Lanka
P: (+94)112 645 900
Hunting: (+94)777 351 820
E: info@kusinara.lk
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